A new collaboration agreement was signed with the University of Tuzla – Faculty of Technology

We renewed a vital cooperation to bring quality education and economic development together. Therefore a new cooperation agreement was signed with the University of Tuzla – Faculty of Technology.

The partnership is founded on common academic interests in education, research, technology, and social development. The new agreement allows for the active exchange of expertise and knowledge, as well as the implementation of exercises and student internships with the goal of learning practical knowledge for students and adapting to the working environment in the chemical sector.

This allows us to integrate the most recent scientific advances in the fields of chemical engineering, chemical technology, and environmental protection engineering, all of which are vital to our organization, while also providing a great foundation for the selection of our future employees.

New investments in environmental protection at GIKIL: A state-of-the-art facility for wastewater treatment technology was commenced

A new biological wastewater treatment facility from the Coke plant began operations today at Global Ispat Koksna Industrija Lukavac (GIKIL). According to Mr. Almin Suljić, the managing director, this facility is one of the company’s most significant developments in recent years and stands out in the region.

Over the previous two years, we have worked tirelessly on this initiative, investing almost two million convertible marks. This signifies that the plant for treating physical, chemical, and biological wastewater has been properly optimized. In other words, we built a new facility and updated an old one, converting the old biological facility into a new wastewater treatment plant. Mr. Suljić stated that the goal was to assure compliance with the Federal Decree’s limit values, particularly achieving all of them.

The limit values of wastewater emissions released into the environment, as defined by the Regulation on the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into natural recipients and the public sewage system of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were met using the appropriate incoming water parameters. These include temperature, pH, total nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen consumption, both physiologically and chemically, as well as phenols, cyanides, and rhodanides.

Mr. Jasmin Pandurović, a technology engineer at GIKIL with a master’s degree in environmental protection, explains that based on the input parameters, analyses, and required output parameters of the purified water, the most optimal solution was accepted. The technological wastewater is now completely purified and goes into external natural recipients.

The new facility includes a sludge tank and a sludge dehydrator, thus the old technology had to be completely modernized.

Because the new plant includes a sludge tank and sludge dehydrator, the outdated technology needed to be totally updated. We are all aware of the dangers that wastewater from the coking process poses to flora and fauna if released into the environment. As a result, the ammonium sulfate plant treated the fluids to biologically purify them. Until recently, the findings were acquired at the present plant, which was built using outdated German technology. However, due to technological obsolescence and rising water quality standards, this technology needed to be modernized and enhanced. According to Mr. Pandurović, GIKIL successfully addressed the issue through tertiary biological treatment.

Renowned contractor, Borplastika Eko, a member of the BP group, from Tuzla, carried out the project for tertiary purification and optimization of the old, existing plant.

The results of tertiary-level water filtration are much better than the legally required limits for the Sava river basin, according to laboratory examinations conducted by independent certified institutes. As a result, we provided a cutting-edge solution for processing waste water in accordance with the legislation. Following all test phases and studies, we were able to get excellent results, allowing us to say that this is the only plant of its type in the area. This is not the end of our job. According to Mr. Irdin Imamović, director of “Borplastika EKO” d.o.o. Tuzla, “They expressed their willingness to continue testing certain processes and improving technology at GIKIL so that only and maximum purified water goes into external, natural watercourses.”

This year, GIKIL will also make more technological and environmental enhancements at the coke battery, where two new units are being installed. These machines will have the greatest influence on lowering uncontrolled emissions to the atmosphere.

It is a smokeless coal furnace filling equipment that is now undergoing final testing and will be commissioned in the next months. In addition, hooded coke receiving equipment will be installed by the end of the year.

Mr. Almin Suljić, Managing Director of GIKIL: “We cooperate with more than 400 companies; the value of export surpasses 300 million BAM

Around 23 million BAM was contributed in environment protection within the period from 2020 to 2024.

Global Ispat Koksna Industrija Lukavac (GIKIL) was in the last year the biggest importer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the fourth biggest exporter. The volume of imports of this industrial giant, according to the statement of the Managing Director Mr. Almin Suljić, sums up to approximately 200, and the exports between 300 and 400 million BAM. 

– We mostly import coking coal for the coke production. There are several deposits of such coal in the world, and we import most of it from the United States of America. Coal comes to the port of Ploče by vessels. It is afterwards loaded into wagons and sent to GIKIL by rail. We also export by rail, mostly coke, and last year, 80 percent of the coke ended up in Serbia, specifically the steel plant in Smederevo. We also export by-products, crude tar and benzene, to the Czech Republic and Germany, also by rail. Furthermore, we produce maleic anhydride (AMK), which we export by road transport, mostly to Italy and Turkey. It is a raw material that is widely used in production, as a polymer; it is mixed into paints, varnishes etc. However, without the railway we would not be able to survive. I must point out very good relations with the management of Railways FBiH. Within our company, we have 12-13 rail tracks. We have a railway department consisting of 55 people and three locomotives used for internal transport of raw materials. Only within GIKIL we have about 40 kilometres of rail tracks – says Mr. Suljić for Faktor.

When we know the significance of the railroad for GIKIL and the business volume of our company, the question emerges about the initiative for the reconstruction of the railroad on the Doboj – Tuzla – Zvornik route, which was recently announced by the Minister for Transport and Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Edin Forto, who emphasized Serbia’s great interest in this project worth approximately 500 million euros.

– The reconstruction of the railroad line would mean a lot to us, as there is frequently a bottleneck in logistics and shipping due to transport limitations. The transport would be much quicker, which would enable a greater turnover of goods – says Mr. Suljić.

According to GIKIL’s data, this company with more than 900 employees annually cooperates directly with more than 400 domestic legal entities, i.e. suppliers. Moreover, GIKIL contributes approximately 25 percent within the trade of Željeznice FBiH, per annum, a turnover worth almost 23.5 million BAM, and this fact indicates the significance of restructuring of the railroad and in general road infrastructure in BiH. 

We are a strategic company, both for the Tuzla Canton and the whole country. Regardless of our business results: profit or loss, many companies are connected with us. We are vital for the whole economy and economics. We participate with 1.5 percent within the GDP of the whole country and approximately 14.6 percent of the trade of Tuzla Csnton, and 47 percent of the economy of the Lukavac municipality. This year, economy was influenced by the crisis in the steel industry, i.e. the drop in demand; one of the causes is the Ukrainian war. The cost of steel fell, which influences the coke production. A few steel plants in Europe have ceased production due to exceptionally low demand. We had less demand and this year, unlike the past one, we’ll end with loss. The balance sheet isn’t complete yet, so we don’t know precisely how much it’ll sum up to. Raw materials are not available in BiH, therefore we are huge importers, but also exporters, and our costs, input and yield, are managed by the market – says Mr. Suljić. 

Environmental pollution has continuously been attributed to GIKIL; however the fact is that there has been progress in this field as approximately 23 million BAM was invested in environment protection activities from 2020 to 2024.

– When it comes to GIKIL, one can hear stories about harm to the environment. It is true that some of our equipment is outdated, but coke is produced in this way also in Hungary in Dunaujvaros. The same method is used in Poland. There is a general trend that everything ought to be stopped, since there are no such plants in Europe. This year, the same kind of coking plant is to be opened in Poland, modernized though and with fewer emissions, and that’s only one of the batteries. They got a loan from the state for this project. It isn’t true that this industry is ceasing in Europe. It is continuously imputed to us that the plant should be shut down. In Poland, an EU member and central European country there are batteries that within two months produce the quantity of our annual capacity. – Mr. Suljić pointed out. 

IT Equipment Donated to the “Lukavac Grad” Primary School

In order to improve the educational process and provide students with better quality education, our company decided to help another school with IT equipment.

A valuable donation in the form of smart TVs, computers and related equipment was handed over today to the primary school “Lukavac Grad”.

We believe that our donation will make it easier for teachers to deliver educational content, bring knowledge closer to the needs of the digital modern age, and help students more easily visualize and master the educational process. 

Our company previously supported the “Lukavac Grad” school in equipping a multimedia classroom.

Mechanical Engineering Students Completed their Industrial Internship at GIKIL: Harmony between Research Quality and Industry Needs

Safet Horozić is in his final year at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tuzla. In recent weeks, together with his colleagues, Safet has carried out an industrial practice at Global Ispat Koksna Industrija d.o.o. Lukavac. In addition to the knowledge gained, Safet says he will bring a lot of experience from GIKIL to help him complete his studies and decide on his future career.


“Since I am studying in the industrial engineering department, this was the first time I was exposed to specific jobs and received practical training, so the internship was very useful. So far, we have only had one day to visit the company. There are great mentors and people around them who are always willing to show us, explain and answer questions, so I am very pleased with what I have learned,” said Horozić .


Adnan Smajlović, also a final year industrial engineering student, shares a similar experience stating that a company like GIKIL is not only an inexhaustible treasure of knowledge for orientation, but also a place where every young engineer would gladly start his career.


“The most important thing is that we have a much closer picture of the real world than what we learn in university, i.e. the theory written in the books and the practice visible in the field.” “It is an honour for me, after finishing my studies, to work in a complex like this, which has both history and tradition, and has a large number of employees,” pointed out Smajlović.


The mentors, on the other hand, emphasized that they were very satisfied with the students and their commitment to learning.


“The students were very interested and asked a lot of questions, and we tried to bring them closer to what we do and how we spend our working time as engineers in a practical and optimal way, all aimed at raising their interest to be the best tomorrow at their job”, said Nurdin Ribić, a graduate mechanical engineer and maintenance manager at the Coke Plant.


Admir Bektić, head of the Maintenance Plant unit, emphasizes the importance of professional experience for future engineers, explaining that although theoretical training is the basis, it is experience that makes up the expert.


“Practice is very important for a student of this orientation as it will bring him closer to everything that awaits him in his future work, should he decide to work in a company like this. In addition to the theoretical and pedagogical part in my opinion Bektić says: “All students who have completed their studies and are about to finish their studies already have a clear understanding of the seriousness of the profession as well as the problems and benefits that come with it”.

A total of 10 students from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering completed an industrial internship at GIKIL. This partnership is the result of an agreement signed in April.


“It is very important that our company’s management recognizes the value of such a mission, for us and the students. On the other hand, it is very important that the University recognized the need for a connection and understanding between education and practice. In this context, it is very important for students to quickly realize that in addition to many things taught in university, there are a number of processes and operating standards that can only be seen in industry”, says Amer Salihović, Assistant to the Executive Director for Technical and Production Affairs.


Faced with staffing shortages, Salihović said it is very important for companies like GIKIL to develop in this direction and create high-quality personnel that match the needs of the industry.


Proof of this is Lejla Mehmedović, a mechanical engineering intern at GIKIL, who says students are well on their way to gaining their first work experience and work habits that will help them in the future.


“Until yesterday, I was a student just like my colleagues who are currently interns. I know what it means to bring quality knowledge to the workplace to advance, which GIKIL absolutely can. For this reason, we are always ready to support our students and colleagues, as they will bring with them a great first work experience, useful habits and above all, love of the profession, which is really valued at this company,” Mehmedović said.


Appreciating the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the University of Tuzla as an institution committed to continuous improvement of the curriculum, especially the engineering profession, the GIKIL Management intends to elevate the existing cooperation to a higher level.

“In the coming period, the Management will consider the possibility of providing scholarships for students and employment after graduation. We have already discussed all these issues as well as other forms of mutually beneficial cooperation with the Dean of the Faculty all with the aim of combining theory and practice, i.e. knowledge and its application,” said Dževad Kasumović, Managing Director of GIKIL.

The IT Cabinet of the School of Economics Has Been Equipped Thanks to GIKIL’s Sponsorship

At the Public Institution Combined School of Economics and Chemistry Lukavac, the layout of the computer cabinet was completed. The installation of the cabinet and the purchase of computer equipment is financially supported by GIKIL company. It is one of the examples of quality social responsibility, practical support and cooperation with the local community.

Most of the teaching at our facility is done by computer, and most of them do not cover all quality work needs. With the support of the company GIKIL, we have received 6th generation computers to fully meet today’s highest programming and algorithm requirements, the school’s management told our portal.

In addition to purchasing computers, lighting, and audio equipment for presentations, some chairs were replaced and entire cabinets were furnished. The introduction of a significantly faster and better internet throughout the school is underway, which will support teaching (project-based teaching, managed IT, etc.) also in other cabinets.

On behalf of the students, staff and school management, I would like to once again thank the management of “GIKIL BH” for their support, because an investment in education is an investment in a quality future for our students and society. With various supports, individual and corporate social responsibility, investment in projects and all the work completed so far, our school environment is becoming warmer and more comfortable every day for all educational activities.” they emphasized on behalf of the school management.

A Cooperation Agreement was signed with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Tuzla

We bring together theory and practice, knowledge and application. We seek the best solutions, exchange experiences and learn from each other.

We have signed an agreement with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Tuzla. Our goal is to create collaborative research and projects, organize useful training courses and enable our students to learn in the field.

This is an example of the immense possibilities with a successful partnership

The Company GIKIL donated a Modern 3D digital Mammogram to the Lukavac Health Centre

Tuzla Canton Prime Minister Irfan Halilagić and TC Minister of Health Dajana Čolić today attended the handover ceremony of a modern 3D digital mammogram, donated to the Health Centre by GIKIL d.o.o. Lukavac.

Minister Čolić, who until recently held the position of the Director of the Lukavac Health Center, understands very well the importance of today’s donation.

“This modern 3D mammogram, the first of its kind in the area of ​​our canton, will significantly contribute to the health care of the citizens of Lukavac and Tuzla Canton, because the importance of preventive diagnostic mammography is immeasurable in the early detection of malignant breast disease. In this regard, today, on behalf of the Health Centre, but also on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Tuzla Canton, I would like to thank the company GIKIL, which showed a high level of social responsibility by this act,” said Minister Čolić.

“Symbolically, today’s action takes place on the eve of International Women’s Day, and in addition to GIKIL’s humanitarian and corporate social responsibility, today’s ceremony imposes obligations on both the Government of Tuzla Canton and all the cities and municipalities that are the founders of health centres, to be even more dedicated to our health institutions and help them, both in personnel as well as physical and technical equipment, all with the aim of better health care for our citizens”, said Prime Minister Halilagić, thanking the representatives of the GIKIL company for this valuable donation.

On behalf of the sponsor, Global Ispat Koksna Industrija Lukavac, the Executive Director for Production, Almin Suljić, addressed guests today and emphasized that today’s donation is an indication that the paradigm is changing around this company.

“Until now, GIKIL has been known to the public as a company that pollutes the environment and there was not much positive associated with our name. With this we show that we are changing the paradigm, that we are a socially responsible company that lives with the community and that we are here to solve the problems the community is facing within the limits of our abilities,” said Suljić.